Tomorrow can be a good day. And you can create that tomorrow, today. Today in your mind, tomorrow as a lived reality.
Isn’t it wonderful that when an idea is brewing in the depths of your mind—formless, unlabeled, inexpressible—a word can always be found in the vast on-and-off-ness of your synapses? That what was just a negligible abstraction some mere seconds ago can now be described, and perhaps even explained?
When a company is on survival mode, often, it is the only thing they seem to care about. In their myopia, they forget about their ‘why’—their reason for being—and make decisions based on short-term goals that destroys value for them in the longer-term. Pandemic or not, this is a bad strategy.
There are infinitely many interesting little things yearning for a curious mind or even a probing set of eyes—waiting to reveal themselves, waiting for someone who is truly, deeply aware. Aspire to be that person. Scratch that. Be that person. The person who goes about his life in a state of utter bliss. The person who’s carrying with him an undying spark of consciousness.
The depth of our outward resilience is proportionate to the extent of our inwardly suffering. Yet it is in our nature we tend to look but not see.