I See Something in You

And I genuinely believe what I see in you is potential
A picture of a sprout growing out of dry land or concrete.
Photo by Stanislav Kondratiev on Unsplash


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I have been writing on Medium since May thirteen now, and I just got curated in relationship and self in the article below.

It is an article where I argue that it might be better for you to love and embrace those who disagree with you than to hate them or resent them or to try and shoo them away.

3 Little-Known Reasons Why You Should Love Those Who Disagree with You

This marks an exciting milestone for me, and I thought of sharing my journey in the hopes that it gives you some strategies and encouragement if you are new to the platform or find yourself in the curation purgatory.


#1. It Took Me Thirteen Posts Before Getting Curated

Yes. It took me a month and thirteen posts before getting curated.

And I will say this upfront. It was not easy seeing those posts which I spent all those time and energy fall short of the curation criteria, and it won’t be easy for you either.

In fact, it will be pure agony — as I imagine you already know.

Most of the days you’ll drown in self-doubt, question your abilities, and ask yourself if it’s ever possible for you to get curated.

So, I’m writing this to tell you that you can and that you will get there.

Just keep writing, keep iterating, and keep improving.

You have that spark in you, you have that drive in you, and you have this beautiful community rooting for you.

You owe it to yourself to at least try. And you owe it to the world to share with her the stories that you — and only you — can tell.

Please don’t let your self-doubt, or your setbacks, or your impostor syndrome or whatever fancy name you call it these days rob us of your stories.

No matter how battered, no matter how bruised, show up — and bleed words. Drip by drip. Word after word.

Curation will follow.


#2. Find Your Tribe (or Even a Helpful Person or Two) and Learn from Them

In the beginning, I tried to do this on my own.

I read, researched, and tried to crack this Medium game on my own.

But here’s the problem with taking a DIY approach to Medium.

You don’t know what you are doing, much less what you should be doing — and that makes you susceptible to all kinds of crazy advice and hacks and strategies out there.

Unless you want to waste your time trying to figure this on your own, I’d suggest signing up for a paid course and learning from someone who has the numbers to show that they know what they are talking about and goes out of their way to help you learn the craft, improve yourself, and provides constant feedback.

I found that tribe in Tom Kuegler’s Medium Masterycourse (which I highly recommend, by the way) where, along with Tom, Dr. Derek Austin 🥳Stephen Moore, and Berenike Schriewer, Ph.D. has been particularly helpful by providing valuable feedback on how I can improve my craft.

Outside of the Medium Mastery community, I also received tremendous support and encouragement from Dr Mehmet Yildiz and his wonderful team at Illumination to keep writing and hitting that publish button.

I share this milestone with all of them.

And I invoke you to find your tribe and those helpful strangers who will go out of their way to help you learn your craft and amplify your message out into the masses.

Do that, and curation will follow.

So, in the words of the eloquent Dananjaya Hettiarachchi,

“I see something in you”.

But unlike Dananjaya, I know what it is.

And I genuinely believe what I see in you is potential.

And I’m rooting hard for you.